Steering group

Kanuuna has a seven-member steering group whose task it is to plan and coordinate activities in line with the wishes and needs of municipalities together with the personnel at the centre of expertise.

The steering group has permanent representatives from Lahti, Helsinki and Oulu and three fixed-term members. The term of a temporary member is two years, and one new member is selected every other year and two new members are selected every other year. The operating and financing plans are reviewed in the Kanuuna seminar. Seminar participants include the directors of youth services in the Kanuuna network cities and representatives from youth services in smaller municipalities.

Kanuuna steering group 2023

Katariina Soanjärvi (chairperson)
+358 50 350 7939

Jouni Kivilahti
+358 50 518 4492

Pia Fraktman
+358 404 882 901

Nina Jorkama
+358 40 550 0580

Marjut Nurmivuori
+358 44 703 9767

Mikko Vatka
+358 931 071 252 ja +358 40 679 1606

Mirja Karppanen
+358 50 511 4994